Sunday, February 24, 2008

Is there such thing as Privacy on the internet?

The internet is rather new to the people and it is becoming more and more popular each day with social networks and networking services. Many people would say these tools are the greatest things ever developed. Thses people are not taking in consideration one of the most important things people are loosing by uploading their information into the web, PRIVACY.

People have to start being more careful about what kind of information they upload into the web. This goes to everyone. No one knows where they are going to end up in 20 or 30 years from now. You might not know it right now because you are only 20 years old, but you can end up becoming a CEO for a multinational corporation or even the president of the United States. You migh have done some dumb things in the past and uploaded pictures or viedos into the internet. This pictures and videos are eventually going to come up, even if you uploaded them 30 or 40 years ago. Remeber that everything that is going on on the web is recorded and stored.

Uploading simple things like telephone numbers, addresses, and sometimes even e-mails can be dangerous. You never know who has access to that information. With social networks like MySpace and Facebook, people are slowly loosing their privacy and exclusivity. I found a great video on youtube which coments on how people are loosing privacy because of the internet:

With the web growing exponentially and more and more people using it on a regular basis, it is very important for people to be carefull of the information they post on the internet. I am sure there are severa secure networks out there that are safe to post personal information, but I sugest that people be cautios before doing so.

1 comment:

Ashley M said...

Why do you think people post personal stuff to begin with?

Being careful is one thing.. but how are you careful? How do you know when its not secure anymore? Everyone says they are secure.