Sunday, April 13, 2008

Cell phones and texting

When I first came to the United States 4 years ago the first thing that I noticed as I walked through the quad of American University was that every single student owned a cell phone. It was shocking to me how most of the students were on the phone while comuting from their dorm room to class. If they were not speaking on their cell phone while walking through the quad, they were using their cell phone to text their friends. It was shocking to me because where I come from people my age are not so dependent in their cell phones. I think it is because Mexico is not so technologicaly advanced as the United States. Plus, not a lot of people can afford the telecomunication services that are offered.

Blackberrys and iphones

Cell phones have evolved incredibly during the last 5 years. They went from being simple phones to pretty much small laptop computers. During the past couple of years, a lot of my friends have been buying blackberries and iphones. I’ve noticed that these people have become addicted and dependent to their cell phones. If they don’t have their phones with them, they feel naked. They are texting ALL day! In class, the bathroom, the club, restaurants, everywhere! I find it anoying because I refuse to text. I do not see the point of texting when you can call them and speak to them in person.

I found a youtube video on text messaging which I found very interesting. There are a couple interviews on the pros and cons of texting.

1 comment:

David R. said...


I find the differences in cultures fascinating. I too, agree that texting is over-used. I use it only when I can't have a conversation, i.e. when im in the library for example. Even then, its a sentence or two, and it's usually something important...not just a hello or random conversation like most people do. Isn't it annoying when people text while your in the middle of a conversation with them?